Girl Scouts Create School-Wide Composting Program
The Children's School now has a school-wide composting program thanks to an ongoing project launched by our Girl Scout troop! The troop has been working on the project since last year as part of earning a Bronze Award — a Girl Scout acknowledgment for 20 or more hours of service work toward a lasting project.
"We saw a lot of compostable waste going into the trash, and existing compost bins not being used around the school," said Jasmine, a TCS student and member of the troop."
First, the troop made sure that each classroom had its own composting bin. They also discovered that the school needed a plan and procedure for emptying each bin weekly, and making sure the compost was reaching the outdoor composting bin.

"We decided to place a large compost bin next to the third-floor bathroom, and we plan to add another near the 2nd-floor bathroom next year," explains troop member Amelia. "That way, teachers can send students to empty their small class compost bin into the big bin, without having to send their student outside —something they might be uncomfortable with." Then, each Friday, the troop makes sure that the large bin is emptied into the outdoor compost bin for pickup.
With bins and the logistics in place, the troop began a series of class presentations to explain the new TCS composting program to their fellow students. They shared what items are compostable, as well as the importance of composting.
The troop may even qualify for a Silver Award by expanding the project. They are considering additional big bins inside each bathroom to more conveniently collect compostable tissue and paper towels. They are also working on plans to install a worm bin in the TCS Tinker Lab and have already met with faculty vermiculture expert Ms. Nadine Brockman. "All we need to do now is order the worms!" says Jasmine.
Our current Girl Scout troop started in 2017 (although there were other scout troops at TCS in previous years). "We currently have 4 girls this year in grades 5-6," explains troop leader and TCS parent, Miranda Johnson. "We will remain active at the middle level so welcome interested scouts who will be in the Ocean next year. We would love to revitalize the troop for the Lake and the Pond but need a parent who can manage the troop at each level. " Interested in being a leader or learning more about Girl Scouts at TCS? Please contact Miranda via email.
It is the policy of Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age (over 40), disability unrelated to the individual’s ability to perform designated volunteer duties, national origin, citizenship, marital status, or economic status.