April is National Arab American Heritage Month - Join Us for a Special Online EVENT!

Arabic is not only a language, it describes a rich and ancient culture with a long history that spans a wideregion and many countries. The Arabian culturebirthed amazing architecture, art, cuisine, and a rich intellectual heritage in mathematics, science,philosophy, and religious studies.
Yet Arab Americans often struggle as victims of false stereotypes and ethnic or religious bigotry.As we learn more, we can help overcome this.

Join The Children’s School for an online presentation and discussion:
WHEN: Friday, April 30, from 6:00 -7:00pm
WHAT: A presentation by Dima Ali, who will help us learnmore about Arab American heritageand culture.
WHERE: On Zoom. Here is the link info:
Meeting ID: 813 8139 9670
Passcode: Q5ez6P
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,81381399670#,,,,*279841# US (Chicago)

Dima Ali is a TCS parent and founder of Being Different, a cultural and educational workshop about Muslims and Arabs in America.
She also recently curated a Ramadan Celebration at the Oak Park-River Forest Library. Read more about the exhibit here.