Financial Aid
Need-based assistance made possible
by our generous donors
Affording a Children’s School Education
We know that private education is perhaps one of the largest financial investments a family can make in their child’s future. As a tuition and donation-based program, The Children’s School is unfortunately unable to meet the full financial need of any of its students, and thus encourages all families to plan for this educational investment carefully.
The Children’s School is committed to providing financial aid to those families who demonstrate need. Financial aid is possible through the generosity of donors who believe in the value of a Children’s School education for everyone, regardless of ability to pay. We aim to make education financially accessible through:
Need-Based Financial Aid
The Board of Directors of The Children’s School continues to value and thus fund significant need-based financial aid. We cannot, however, meet every family’s need in full. Awards range from $225 to fully 45% of tuition, with the average award falling in between these two figures based on each applicant’s demonstrated financial need.
Multiple Payment Plan Options
We offer three different payment plan options, ranging from monthly to annual. TADS Tuition Management’s low annual fees are waived for all families that select the one-time payment option.
Sibling Discounts
A 10% tuition discount automatically applies to all siblings of children attending The Children’s School. Financial aid allocations, if any, are applied after the sibling discount.
Applying for Financial Aid
Financial Aid applications will only be considered and acted upon from those who have first applied to TCS for admission.
Financial Aid applications are made through TADS, which charges a $60 application fee. TADS will automatically waive this fee for families whose application input meets the following criteria:
(1) the family qualifies for the federal free lunch program
(2) neither parent owns or shares ownership in a business or a farm
(3) parents must be US or US territory citizens
(4) the parents' total assets must be less than $25,000
Financial aid allocations reduce the amount of tuition due. These awards are allocated across the school year on a monthly basis (thus requiring a monthly payment plan).
Financial aid applications are now available.
All financial awards must be accepted in writing by the stated deadline (or at the time of enrollment). Unaccepted offers may be reallocated at the discretion of the Financial Aid Committee. While we strive to honor our commitment of financial aid to those families that need it, receiving an award is no guarantee of future awards as all applications are reviewed on a needs-based basis. All applicants are required to apply annually.

Financial Aid FAQ
Who should complete the Financial Aid form?
Financial Aid applications will only be reviewed and acted upon from those who have first applied to TCS for admission. To be considered for a financial aid allocation, TCS requires all parents and all adults contributing to any household of the student to file completed applications. TCS considers aggregate financial information. There is a section within the application where you can enter contributions from non-custodial parents and relatives.
Does applying for financial aid affect my child’s chances for admission?
No. Admissions decisions are based on a student’s abilities, readiness for learning, motivation, and potential to contribute to their classroom environment and the school generally.
As a returning family, can we apply even if we haven’t applied before?
Yes, of course. All awards are need-based, and we understand that family circumstances change.
Applications must be renewed each year.
What is the maximum income to qualify for financial aid?
There is no maximum income to qualify. All applications are considered, although our resources are limited so awards typically go to those who demonstrate the greatest financial need. We encourage all families to plan carefully for funding their child’s education, and this includes considering all the financial resources available to them.
What if my child's other parent is uncooperative - will that affect our chances of securing aid?
A parent may submit to TCS a written request for waiver in the event the other parent(s) is not in contact or will not contribute to tuition or file a financial aid application. Any such waiver request must state and attach all pertinent information and documentation (including, as one example, any court orders).
Why do I need to input my spouse's information if I am remarried and they are not legally responsible for my children?
To be considered for a financial aid award, TCS requires all parents and all adults contributing to any household of the student to file completed applications. TCS considers aggregate financial information. Our system, however, also takes into consideration your spouse's expenses as well as their income. It is important to list all expenses that are asked of within the application.